Order values in German alphabetical order with PHP

Order values in German alphabetical order with PHP

Order numerical values or things like dates is no problem with PHP. Even ordering by alphabet isn't that big of a deal. But when you use another language then English, things get interesting.

Sorting by a date would look something like this:

$collection = new ArrayCollection($externalPartners);

/** @var \ArrayIterator $iterator */
$iterator = $collection->getIterator();
$iterator->uasort(function ($a, $b) {
    /* @var LifecycleInterface $a */
    /* @var LifecycleInterface $b */
    return ($a->getCreated() >= $b->getCreated()) ? 1 : -1;

$sorted = iterator_to_array($iterator);

Just putting in a string instead of getCreated() would sort them in alphabetical order. But only in the English language. German for example contains special characters like Ä, Ü and Ö, which would be added to the end of the alphabet which isn't correct in the German language.

To sort in a specific language you can use the \Collator class. Sorting with this would look like the following:

$collection = new ArrayCollection($references);

/** @var \ArrayIterator $iterator */
$iterator = $collection->getIterator();
$iterator->uasort(function ($a, $b) {
    /* @var NameInterface $a */
    /* @var NameInterface $b */

    $collator = new \Collator('de_DE');

    return $collator->compare($a->getName(), $b->getName());

$sorted = iterator_to_array($iterator);